A land rich in nature, history, traditions and typical food and wine, which offers unique atmospheres at any time of the year.

Lake Trasimeno is of tectonic origin and is, by size (128 km2), the fourth largest lake in Italy. It covers three islands (Isola Maggiore, Isola Minore, Isola Polvese). The Regional Park of Lake Trasimeno, the largest of the Umbrian parks, extends all around the area of the lake.

vista aerea su oliveti con nebbia e lago trasimeno

The area surrounding Lake Trasimeno, with its richness in nature, history, traditions, local gastronomy and wine, offers a unique atmosphere at any time of the year. Off the shores you’ll find the most diverse environments, with large uncontaminated areas and characteristic coastal towns.

Beautiful villages arise around the lake. Some are bigger villages and towns (Tuoro sul Trasimeno, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Magione, Castiglione del Lago, Paciano, Panicale, Piegaro and Città della Pieve), others are small and characteristic towns, fishing villages and ancient castles: Borghetto, Vernazzano, Castel Rigone, Montecolognola, Monte del Lago, San Feliciano, San Savino, Monte Sperello, Monte Melino, Agello, Sant’Arcangelo, Fontignano, Tavernelle, Gioiella, Pozzuolo, Sanfatucchio and Petrignano del Lago.

torre pendente con tiranti
muro con insegna lapidea

The Trasimeno area enjoys increasing interest in cultural and naturalistic “slow” tourism, for its gastronomy and wine as well. The Ring of the Trasimeno twirls around the lake on a 160 km itinerary, organized into 7 stages. The trails of il Perugino cross the southern area of the lake: they are several itineraries that will take you on a real journey through the places of the great Renaissance painter Pietro Vannucci (known as “il Perugino”). In addition to these, some of the main trails that cross central Italy pass through the area: the Via Romea Germanica, which leads from Cortona to Paciano and Città della Pieve; the Via Lauretana, which crosses the Tuoro hills coming from Siena and Cortona heading towards Assisi. The trail of Saint Francis, starts in Cortona and ends in the city of the Patron Saint of Italy, Assisi, passing through Perugia.

There are many parks, museums and places of interest scattered across the area. Some examples are: “La Valle” Naturalistic Oasis (San Savino), the Punta Macerone Oasis (Tuoro sul Trasimeno), Isola Polvese, Isola Maggiore, the Fishing and Lake Trasimeno Museum (San Feliciano), the Museum of Annibale al Trasimeno (Tuoro sul Trasimeno), the Glass Museum of Piegaro, the museums of Passignano sul Trasimeno, the Corgna Palace and the Medieval Fortress of Castiglione del Lago, the Lambardi Tower and the Castle of the Knights of Malta of Magione , the museums of Città della Pieve, Paciano and Panicale.

castello di montegualandro costruito su un'altura
tramonto sul lago trasimeno
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